Services to our citizens

Ministerium für Sozialschutz
Sozialer Basisschutz

Services to our citizens

The first video is about our online digital platform that enabled us to respond so effectively to the Covid-19 pandemic – it tells a good story of the Department being there to help people when they most needed help – length 90 seconds.


The second video is about our employment strategy Pathways to Work 2021-2025 – which is a cross Irish Government strategy led by this Department and is designed to assist people into employment or access supports and services to do so – length 90 seconds.


The third video is about the Department’s Public Employment Service which we call “Intreo” and is a video showing the supports and services the Department has provided to individual jobseekers and employers in helping them access employment or recruit new employees – length 150 seconds.


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Services to our citizens

Services to our citizens

Ministerium für Sozialschutz
Sozialer Basisschutz