
X International Symposium on Electrical Safety

28–30 May 2018 | Belo HorizonteBrazil


X International Symposium on Electrical Safety

28–30 May 2018 | Belo HorizonteBrazil

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the International Symposium on Electrical Safety (SISE in Spanish) a very special event is planned with the presence of renowned experts in the field of energy and occupational safety.


The International Symposium on Electrical Safety takes place every year in a different Latin-American country. In 2018 it will be hosted in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, with the co-organisation of the ISSA, CIER, ABRADEE, AMES, AMIMT and the institutional support of BRACIER. The aim of the event is inform about the current state of occupational safety through talks, experiences and first-hand information given by national and international experts from Europe, South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

Topics to be discussed

  • Successful prevention strategies
  • Technological changes
  • Occupational Health and Safety. Practical experiences: Examples of casualties
  • Technical visit: Training centre of Cemig (electric energy company in Brazil)

Additional information