Social Security Fund

Unique harmonized information system for the Social Security Fund and the Social Insurance Institute for Old-Age Pensions
in Senegal

Implementation year

In applying the guidelines established by their respective Boards, the Social Security Fund (Caisse de sécurité sociale – CSS) and the Social Insurance Institute for Old-Age Pensions in Senegal (Institution de prévoyance retraite du Sénégal – IPRES) are engaged in an institutional alignment process and have implemented a unique information system. The latter has made it possible to have a single database and a single working tool in order to optimize certain processes they share, such as registration, declaration and collection of contributions.

The new unique information system has made it possible to:

  • Harmonize and share management processes.
  • Reduce and control social security evasion.
  • Automate procedures.
  • Be widely available.
  • Improve the quality of user services.
Governance and administration
Information and communication technology
Service quality
Error, evasion and fraud
Continuity and resilience