Pension Fund of Morocco

Online service for CMR clients

Implementation year

The increase in the number of transactions carried out via the Fund's web site is proof of the demand for these services. It rose from 310 in 2003 and 878 in 2004 to 60,220 in 2005 and 227,495 in 2006. In 2007 and the 1st semester of 2008 it rose to 92,980 and 63,564, respectively.

It is in this context that the Fund launched this new practice to enable those of its members with access to Internet to use a service which provides personal responses to their requests. This new practice has been included in the implementation of the e-CMR gateway project alongside other online services.

The Fund won first prize for "Social Services" support at the Third "E-MTIAZ" competition organised by the Ministry for the Modernization of the Public Sector.

Governance and administration
Information and communication technology