Swedish Pensions Agency

Withdrawal Planner

Implementation year

The Withdrawal Planner (Uttagsplaneraren) is a digital tool to help plan and withdraw one’s pensions. A typical user is aged 55 to 65, with an average of eight pension pots from five different sources. They can create and compare plans with different withdrawal periods and options, to decide about the future withdrawal of their entire pension, not just the state pension.

The goal is for individuals at or near retirement to plan and withdraw their pension confidently and easily. In addition to creating projections, the user gets personalized values to define scenarios as well as a personalized to-do list.


In 2015, the Swedish Pensions Agency (Pensionsmyndigheten – SPA) decided to establish the tool, which was developed by minPension AB in close collaboration with the SPA and the Swedish pensions industry. The Withdrawal Planner was launched in the autumn of 2019, a successful example of private-public collaboration.

The Withdrawal Planner is a further development of the minPension projection dashboard www.minpension.se.

Old-age pensions