Excellence in administration

  • Guidelines:
  • Actuarial Work for Social Security

Excellence in administration

  • Guidelines:
  • Actuarial Work for Social Security

Actuarial Work for Social Security -
Guideline 52. Qualifications

Actuaries and other social security professionals providing actuarial services for social security schemes possess appropriate qualifications and expertise necessary to fulfil their responsibilities. A qualified actuary is a member of a national (or international) professional actuarial association (or working toward fulfilling requirements to become a member) and follows applicable professional standards, rules of professional conduct and continuing professional development requirements.

The quality of the actuarial work undertaken for social security schemes depends to a great degree on the qualifications, skills and experience of the professionals performing this work. This guideline should be read together with Guideline 54 and Part F of these Guidelines.

This guideline distinguishes an actuary with a recognized actuarial affiliation or qualification requiring the formal assessment of their skills and experience (“actuary”) from other social security professionals performing actuarial work for a social security institution.