Country profiles

Russian Federation

Country profiles

Russian Federation

Scheme description

Regulatory framework

First law: 1922.

Current laws: 1995 (Federal Law No. 181-FZ of 24 November, on social protection for the disabled), with amendments; 1996 (Federal Law No. 27-FZ of 1 April, on individual record keeping in the mandatory pension insurance system), with amendments; 1998 (Federal Law No. 75-FZ of 7 May, on non-state pension funds), with amendments; 2001 (Law No. 166-FZ of 15 December, on public pension security), with amendments; 2001 (Law No. 173-FZ of 17 December, on labor pensions) with amendments; 2001 (Law No. 167-FZ of 15 December, on mandatory pension insurance), with amendments; 2002 (Resolution No. 516 of 11 July, on early entitlement to the labor pension), with 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2013 amendments; 2002 (Resolution No. 781 of 29 October, on lists of trades and professions), with 2009 amendment; 2002 (Federal Law No. 111-FZ of 24 July, on investments for the funded part of labor pensions), with amendments; 2004 (Federal Law No. 70-FZ of 20 July, on amendments to the tax code), implemented in January 2005; 2011 (Federal Law No. 360-FZ of 30 November, on payment procedure of funded pensions), with 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018 amendments; 2011 (Federal Law No. 379-FZ of 3 December, on changes in separate laws of the Russian Federation concerning insurance contribution rates for the state non-state budget funds), with 2014, 2016 amendments; 2013 (Federal Law No. 422-FZ of 28 December on guaranteeing the rights of insured persons in the mandatory pension insurance system of the Russian Federation in the formation and investment of pension funds, the establishment and implementation of payments by pension funds), with 2014, 2015, 2018 amendments), implemented on 1 January 2014; 2013 (Federal Law No. 400-FZ of 28 December, on insurance pensions) implemented on 1 January 2015 and 2016, with amendments; 2013 (Federal Law No. 424-FZ of 28 December, on funded pensions), with 2016 and 2018 amendments; and 2016 (Federal Law No. 243-FZ of 3 July on the Tax Code, implemented in January 2017).

Type of program:
Social insurance, and social assistance system.

Note: A system of individual accounts was introduced in 2011 for persons born since 1967. Currently, contributions to the individual accounts are diverted to social insurance.


Social insurance: Employed and self-employed persons, including independent farmers.

Special systems for civil servants, military and police personnel, cosmonauts, war veterans, and victims of major industrial accidents.

Social assistance: Residents of Russia.

Source of funds

Insured person: None.

Self-employed person: In general, an annual contribution of 26,545 rubles for annual earnings up to 300,000 rubles plus 1% of annual earnings above this amount. Different contribution rates apply for certain categories of self-employed persons.

Employer: 22% of payroll. Reduced rates of insurance contributions are applied to certain categories of employers.

The maximum annual earnings used to calculate contributions are 1,021,000 rubles plus 10% of payroll above this amount for general categories of employers.

Government: The total cost of social pensions. Regional and local governments may finance supplementary benefits.

Qualifying conditions

Old-age pension (social insurance): Age 60 (men) or age 55 (women) with at least nine years of coverage (gradually rising by one year a year until reaching 15 years by 2024) and at least 13.8 pension points (gradually rising by 2.4 pension points a year until reaching 30 pension points by 2025).

The number of pension points is calculated based on the insured's number of contributions and the length of the insured's insurance record.

The qualifying conditions are reduced for persons who have worked in regions of the Far North and in certain other areas, or in hazardous or dangerous work, for mothers who have five or more children or have children with disabilities, and for some specified professional categories, such as teachers. Unemployed persons may claim the pension up to two years early (at age 58 or 59 for men or age 53 or 54 for women) with approval from the employment services.

Deferred pension: The pension may be deferred.

Retirement is not necessary. There is no income test for a working pensioner.

The old-age pension is payable abroad in accordance with national legislation and reciprocal agreements.

Old-age social pension (social assistance): Age 65 (men) or age 60 (women) and does not qualify for a social insurance old-age pension. Resident foreign nationals must have at least 15 years of residence.

Retirement is not necessary. There is no income test for a working pensioner.

The old-age social pension is not payable abroad.

Disability pension (social insurance):
Must be assessed with a Group I disability (100% assessed loss of working capacity and requires constant attendance), a Group II disability (100% assessed loss of working capacity and does not require constant attendance), or Group III disability (at least a 50% assessed loss of working capacity and does not require constant attendance), and have at least one day of work.

Disability social pension (social assistance): Must be assessed with a Group I, II, or III disability and be younger than age 18 or have no work history.

Survivor pension (social insurance): Paid irrespective of the deceased's length-of-service and coverage periods.

Eligible survivors include a dependent, nonworking family member caring for a child younger than age 14 or disabled; children, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren up to age 18 (age 23 if a student, no limit if disabled since childhood); and widow(er)s, parents, or grandparents aged 60 or older (men) or aged 55 or older (women) or disabled.

The survivor pension is payable abroad in accordance with national legislation and reciprocal agreements.

Survivor social pension (social assistance): Paid to a child up to age 17 (age 23 if a full-time student) who has lost one or both parents or whose parents are unknown.

The survivor social pension is not payable abroad.

Old-age benefits

Old-age pension (social insurance): The pension consists of a basic flat-rate benefit and an earnings-related benefit.

Basic flat-rate benefit: For insured persons up to age 80, the monthly benefit is 4,982.90 rubles with no dependents, 6,643.87 rubles with one dependent, 8,304.84 rubles with two dependents, or 9,965.81 rubles with three or more dependents. For insured persons aged 80 or older, the monthly benefit is 9,965.80 rubles with no dependents, 11,626.77 rubles with one dependent), 13,287.74 rubles with two dependents; or 14,948.71 rubles with three or more dependents.

Earnings-related benefit: The monthly benefit is the insured's pension points multiplied by the value of a pension point in the year the pension is claimed.

The value of a pension point is 81.49 rubles.

For persons who contributed to an individual account, the individual account balance is paid in addition to the social insurance old-age pension.

Deferred pension: An increased pension is paid.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted according to changes in the inflation rate

Old-age social pension (social assistance): 5,180.248 rubles (April 2018) a month is paid.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted according to changes in the inflation rate.

Invalidity benefits

Disability pension (social insurance): The pension consists of a basic flat-rate benefit and an earnings-related benefit.

Basic flat-rate benefit: For insured persons with no dependents, the monthly benefit is 9,665.80 rubles (Group I), 4,982.90 rubles (Group II), or 2491.45 rubles (Group III). For insured persons with one dependent, the monthly benefit is 11,626.77 rubles (Group I), 6,643.87 rubles (Group II), or 4,152.42 rubles (Group III). For insured persons with two dependents, the monthly benefit is 13,287.74 rubles (Group I), 8,304.84 rubles (Group II), or 5,813.39 rubles (Group III). For insured persons with three or more dependents, the monthly benefit is 14,948.71 rubles (Group I), 9,965.81 rubles (Group II), or 7,474.36 rubles (Group III).

Earnings-related benefit: The monthly benefit is the insured's pension points multiplied by the value of a pension point in the year the pension is claimed.

The value of a pension point is 81.49 rubles.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted according to changes in the inflation rate and the average wage.

Disability social pension (social assistance): 12,432.44 a month is paid if assessed with a Group I disability that began before age 18; 10,360.52 a month if assessed with a Group I disability that began since age 18 or with a Group II disability that began before age 18; 5,180.24 rubles a month if assessed with a Group II disability that began since age 18; or 4,403.24 a month if assessed with a Group III disability regardless of when it began (April 2018).

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted according to changes in the inflation rate and the average wage.

Survivor benefits

Survivor pension (social insurance): The pension consists of a basic flat-rate benefit and an earnings-related benefit.

Basic flat-rate benefit: 2,491.45 rubles a month is paid for each eligible survivor; 4,982.90 a month for full orphans.

Earnings-related benefit: The monthly benefit is the insured's pension points multiplied by the value of a pension point in the year the pension is claimed.

The value of a pension point is 81.49 rubles.

The earnings-related benefit is split equally among all eligible survivors.

Survivor social pension (social assistance): 5,180.24 rubles is paid to eligible half orphans; 10,360.52 rubles to full orphans or to orphans of single mothers.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted according to changes in the inflation rate and the average wage.

Administrative organization

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation ( and its regional bodies administers the programs.

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation ( is responsible for policy development.

Federal Tax Service ( collects contributions.

Regulatory framework

First law: 1912.

Current laws: 1995 (Federal Law No. 81-FZ of 19 May, on benefits for citizens with children), with amendments; 1999 (Federal Law No. 165-FZ of 16 July, on mandatory social insurance), with amendments; 2001 (Federal Law No. 197-FZ of 30 December, on the labor code), with amendments; 2006 (Federal Law No. 255-FZ of 29 December, on temporary disability and maternity benefits), with 2011 amendment; 2011 (Federal Law No. 323-FZ of 21 November, on health care in the Russian Federation), with amendments; 2014 (Federal Law No. 407-FZ of 1 December, on mandatory insurance for temporary disability and maternity), implemented in 2015), with 2016 amendment; and 2014 (Government Decree No. 1048 of 13 October, on the procedure for providing additional paid days off for caring for children with disabilities).

Type of program: Social insurance system.


Cash benefits: Employed persons, including temporary and permanent residents of Russia.

Exclusions: Self-employed persons.

Medical benefits: Citizens of Russia and refugees.

Source of funds

Insured person

Cash benefits: None.

Medical benefits: None. (The insured may contribute to voluntary supplemental medical and maternity insurance. The rates vary by plan.)

Self-employed person

Cash benefits: Not applicable.

Medical benefits: None. (The self-employed person may contribute to voluntary supplemental medical and maternity insurance. The rates vary by plan.)


Cash benefits: 2.9% of payroll; 1.8% of payroll for foreign citizens temporarily residing in Russia.

The maximum annual earnings used to calculate contributions are 815,000 rubles.

Medical benefits: 5.1% of payroll.

The employer's contributions for medical benefits also finance family allowances.


Cash benefits: None; contributes as an employer.

Medical benefits: Federal and local governments provide partial funding.

Qualifying conditions

Cash sickness, maternity, and adoption benefits and funeral grant: There is no minimum qualifying period.

Childbirth grant:
Paid to an insured woman who registers with a medical facility at the beginning of a pregnancy.

Pregnancy registration supplement:
Paid when an insured woman registers a pregnancy in the first 12 weeks.

Child care leave benefit:
Paid to insured or unemployed parents for the care of children up to age 18 months.

Medical benefits:
There is no minimum qualifying period.

Cash sickness and maternity/paternity benefits

Sickness benefit: The benefit varies according to the length of the insured's coverage period: 60% of the insured's earnings is paid with less than five years of coverage; 80% with five to eight years; 100% with more than eight years (or if the insured has three or more dependent children); up to the legal monthly minimum wage with less than six months.

For care of a sick child younger than age 7, the benefit is provided for the period of sickness, up to 60 days a year (90 days in certain cases); for a child aged 7 to 15, for 15 to 45 days a year; for an adult family member older than age 15 who is hospitalized, for seven to 30 days a year.

The minimum monthly sickness benefit is 5,693.40 rubles.

The maximum average monthly sickness benefit is 61,375 rubles.

Maternity benefit: 100% of the insured's average gross monthly earnings in the last 24 months is paid for 70 days before the expected date of childbirth (84 in case of a pregnancy with multiples) and 70 days after childbirth (86 days in the case of complications at child birth; 110 days for multiple births).

The minimum monthly maternity benefit is 100% of the legal monthly minimum wage.

The legal monthly minimum wage is 9,489 rubles (February 2018).

The maximum total maternity benefit is 282,493.40 (314,778.36 rubles in the case of complications at child birth; 391,455.14 rubles in the case of multiple births).

Childbirth grant: A lump sum of 16,759.09 is paid. The local government pays an additional amount.

Pregnancy registration supplement: A lump sum of 628.47 rubles, increased by a factor that varies according to region, is paid (February 2018).

Adoption benefit: A lump sum of up to 105,000 rubles is paid.

Child care leave benefit: 40% of the insured's average monthly earnings in the last 24 months is paid. The benefit must be at least 3,142.33 rubles a month for the first child and 6,284.65 rubles a month for the second and each subsequent child.

The maximum monthly child care leave benefit is 24,536.57 rubles.

Parents of a child with a disability also receive benefits for four vacation days a month.

Funeral grant: A lump sum of up to 5,701.31 rubles is paid, depending on local government financial resources.

Health care benefits

Compulsory medical insurance covers medical services provided directly to patients by public and private health providers. Benefits include general, preventive, and emergency care; hospitalization; laboratory services; dental care; maternity care; vaccinations; and transportation.

Cost sharing: Medicine prescribed during hospitalization is provided free or at reduced rates to persons with certain categories of illness, persons with disabilities, and war veterans.

Voluntary medical insurance covers specialized care, higher-cost medicine, and appliances.

Some categories of the population, including the elderly, persons with disabilities, and war veterans, may receive a cash reimbursement for some medicine.

Medical benefits for dependents

Medical benefits for dependents are the same as those for the insured.

Administrative organization

Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation ( and regional social insurance funds administer most cash benefits.

Regional departments of social protection administer the cash maternity benefits for the unemployed and other nonworking citizens.

Ministry of Health ( and regional health departments implement state health care policy and develop health care programs.

Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund ( implements health care policy within the state social insurance system.

Regional governments administer medical insurance.

Federal Tax Service ( collects contributions.

Medical services are provided through clinics, hospitals, maternity homes, and other medical facilities, including private health care providers.

Regulatory framework

First law: 1903.

Current laws: 1995 (Federal Law No. 181-FZ of 24 November, on social protection of the disabled), with amendments; 1998 (Federal Law No. 125-FZ of 24 July, on mandatory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases), implemented in 2000, with amendments; 2001 (Federal Law No. 197-FZ of 30 December, on the labor code), with amendments; 2005 (Government Decree No. 713 of 1 December, on rules for occupational risk classification), with 2010, 2013, 2016 amendments; 2006 (Government Decree No. 95 of 20 February, on the procedure and conditions for the recognition of disability), with amendments; 2015 (Federal law No. 323-FZ of 2 December, on insurance rates on insurance tariffs for mandatory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases).

Type of program: Social insurance system.


Employed persons, including temporary and permanent residents of Russia.

Exclusions: Self-employed persons.

Source of funds

Insured person: None.

Self-employed person: Not applicable.

Employer: From 0.2% to 8.5% of payroll according to 32 classes of professional risk related to 22 industry categories. Employers may finance supplemental benefits.

Government: None; regional and local governments may finance supplemental benefits.

Qualifying conditions

Must be assessed with a work injury or occupational disease.

Temporary disability benefits

100% of the insured's average gross earnings is paid from the first day of incapacity until the insured is fully rehabilitated or assessed with a permanent disability.

Average gross earnings are based on the insured's earnings immediately before certification of the degree of disability.

The Medical and Social Assessment Service assesses the degree of disability once a year if assessed with a Group II or III disability; every two years if assessed with a Group I disability.

Lump-sum compensation: A lump sum of up to 96,368.45 rubles is paid according to the assessed loss of working capacity (February 2018). The benefit is adjusted according to regional environmental conditions.

Permanent disability benefits

Permanent disability pension: The pension amount varies according to the assessed degree of disability.

Must have at least a 10% loss of work capacity.

The maximum monthly benefit is 74,097.66 rubles (February 2018) (set annually by the Social Insurance Fund).

Medical and Social Assessment Service assesses the degree of disability once a year if assessed with a Group II or III disability; every two years if assessed with a Group I disability.

Constant-attendance allowance: 1,200 rubles a month is paid if the insured requires special medical care; 225 rubles a day if the insured requires the attendance of others to perform daily functions.

Medical care

Compulsory medical insurance covers medical services provided directly to patients by public and private health care providers. Benefits include general, preventive, and emergency care; hospitalization; laboratory services; dental care; transportation; free appliances and medicine; and the cost of professional rehabilitation.

Specialized care may be provided under voluntary supplemental insurance offered by the employer.

Survivor benefits

Survivor pension: Survivor pensions are paid under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.

Lump-sum compensation: In addition to the pension, a lump sum of 96,368.45 rubles (February 2018) is paid and split equally among all eligible survivors.

Death grant: A lump sum of up to 1,000,000 rubles is paid. (The employer may pay an additional benefit.)

Administrative organization

Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation ( and regional funds administer temporary disability benefits.

Enterprises and employers pay benefits to employees.

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation ( administers permanent disability pensions.

Federal Tax Service ( collects contributions.

Ministry of Health ( administers the provision of medical services through clinics, hospitals, maternity homes, and other medical facilities, including private health care providers.

Regional health departments implement and administer state health care policies and programs.


Regulatory framework

First law: 1921.

Current laws: 1991 (Law No. 1032-I of 19 April, on employment), with amendments; 2001 (Federal Law No. 197-FZ of 30 December, on the labor code), with amendments; and 2004 (Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 22 August, on cash compensation), with amendments.

Type of program: Social insurance and social assistance system.


Citizens of Russia.

Source of funds

Insured person: None.

Self-employed person: None.

Employer: None.

Government: Financed from federal and local government budgets. Regional and local governments may finance supplemental benefits for unemployed persons and their dependents.

Qualifying conditions

Unemployment benefit: Must be registered at an employment office, have 26 weeks of full-time employment in the last 12 months (or the 26-week equivalent for part-time employment), and be willing and able to work.

Benefits may be reduced, postponed, suspended, or terminated if the worker is dismissed because of misconduct, leaving employment without good cause, violating conditions for job placement or vocational training, or filing a fraudulent claim.

Unemployed persons who do not meet the coverage conditions or persons who have never worked may be eligible for reduced benefits.

Early pension for the unemployed: Paid to unemployed workers aged 58 to 59 (men) or aged 53 to 54 (women).

Unemployment benefits

Unemployment benefit: 75% of the insured's average monthly wage is paid for the first three months, 60% for the next four months, 45% for the next five months, and thereafter (up to an additional 12 months) the local minimum subsistence level increased by a factor that varies according to region.

The benefit is increased by 10% of the regional minimum subsistence level for victims of radiation and persons living in radiation-contaminated zones.

The minimum monthly unemployment benefit is 850 rubles.

The maximum monthly unemployment benefit is 4,900 rubles.

For unemployed persons who do not meet the coverage conditions or for persons who have never worked, the benefit is 30% of the regional minimum subsistence level for the first six months and 20% of the regional minimum subsistence level for the next six months, but not less than 100 rubles a month.

Early pension for the unemployed: The benefit is the same as the old-age pension under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.

Administrative organization

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation ( provides general supervision.

Regional employment services administer the program.

Local employment services pay benefits.

Regulatory framework

First law: 1944.

Current law: 1995 (Federal Law No. 81-FZ of 19 May, on state benefits for citizens with children,), with amendments; 2004 (Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 22 August, on cash compensation), with amendments; 2006 (Federal Law No. 255-FZ of 29 December, on compulsory social insurance in case of temporary incapacity for work and in connection with maternity), with amendments; and 2006 (Federal Law No. 256-FZ of 29 December, on additional measures of the State support to families with children), with amendments.

Type of program: Universal and social insurance.


Universal: Citizens of Russia.

Social insurance: Employed persons, including temporary and permanent residents of Russia.

Exclusions: Self-employed persons.

Source of funds

Insured person: None.

Self-employed person: None.

Employer: See source of funds under Sickness and Maternity. Employers may finance supplementary benefits.

The total cost of the family grant. Federal and local government budgets subsidize the cost of benefits. Regional and local governments may finance supplementary benefits.

Qualifying conditions

Child allowance (social insurance, income tested): Paid for children from age 18 months to age 18 (age 23 if a full-time student). The children must reside in the household.

Income test: Family income must be less than the locally determined minimum subsistence level.

Sick child care allowance (social insurance): Paid to a parent caring for a sick child.

Family grant (maternal capital, universal):
Paid to women after the birth or adoption of the second, third, or subsequent child after January 1, 2007. In special cases, men are entitled to the grant after the adoption of two or more children.

The family grant is paid only once.

Family and household benefits

Child allowance (social insurance, income tested): An allowance that varies according to geographic region is paid for each eligible child. The allowance is doubled for single-parent households.

Supplements are paid if a parent fails to pay alimony.

Sick child care allowance (social insurance): 60% to 100% of the insured's wages is paid for the first 10 days of illness; thereafter, 50% of wages is paid until the child's full recovery.

Family grant (maternal capital, universal):
A lump sum of 453,026 rubles is paid.

Administrative organization

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation ( provides general supervision.

Regional and local departments of social protection pay benefits.

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation ( and its regional bodies administer the family grant.

Federal Tax Service ( collects contributions for the child allowances.


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