Section on Prevention in Agriculture


Section on Prevention in Agriculture


The International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in Agriculture brings together institutions and individuals who are engaged in the promotion of occupational safety and health in agriculture. It gives its members opportunities to exchange information and experience and seeks to provide practical solutions to very specific issues

A number of European, international and non-European organizations and institutions are member of the Section on Prevention in Agriculture.

Membership of the Section provides access to:

  • international conferences and seminars
  • working groups organized to focus on specific concerns in the area of agriculture
  • specialized publications
  • up-to-date information on current issues in occupational safety and health

See list of members

Types of Membership

The Section is composed of ordinary and corresponding members.

Ordinary members are:

  • Members of the International Social Security Association
  • All non-profit organizations engaged in the sphere of accident prevention in agriculture and forestry

Corresponding members are:

  • All organizations whose objectives are consistent with those of the Section
  • Individuals who are experts in all field of occupational safety and health in agriculture

Membership of the Section on Prevention in Agriculture is generally free from contributions.

Application for Membership

Are you interested in our activities? Do you wish to become a member?

If so, please do not hesitate to contact us. Simply write an informal application for membership specifying the type of your organization and send it to the Secretariat of the Section on Prevention in Agriculture, either by mail or e-mail.