
Regional Social Security Forum for Europe

18.–20. April 2016 | StockholmSchweden


Regional Social Security Forum for Europe

18.–20. April 2016 | StockholmSchweden

Excellence in social security administration in Europe

The ISSA Regional Social Security Forum for Europe will take place in Stockholm, Sweden, from 18 to 20 April 2016, at the invitation of the Swedish Pensions Agency.

Social security systems in Europe are faced with a double challenge of increasing demands and scarce resources. Challenging economic, fiscal and labour market conditions frame on-going reform efforts to adapt social security systems to demographic changes, evolving health risk factors, new needs and increasing public expectations.

In this context, social security administrations must continuously improve and innovate to implement reforms, ensure protection, high service levels as well as support prevention, early intervention, health and employability. Often asked to do more with less, administrations have embraced organizational reforms, implemented technical innovations and strengthened communication and service delivery strategies.

Focused on key innovations in social security systems and good practices illustrating the commitment by European social security institutions to excellence, the Forum is the key platform for CEOs and senior administrators, policymakers and experts to share information and analyse the state of social security and administration in Europe.

A highlight of the Forum will be the ISSA Good Practice Award for Europe, recognizing achievements by social security institutions in the region.

The Forum is open to ISSA member organizations from the European region and invited participants only. The working languages of the Forum are English, French, German and Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in these languages and in Russian.

Hosted by

Swedish Pensions Agency - Pensionsmyndigheten