E-learning: Service Quality

27. November–1. Dezember 2022 | E-learning Training Platform

E-learning: Service Quality

27. November–1. Dezember 2022 | E-learning Training Platform

The ISSA Diploma programme aims to enable members of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) to gain a better understanding of the ISSA Guidelines on excellence in social security administration. This specific course focuses on the ISSA Guidelines on Service Quality, which is fundamental to ensuring the effectiveness of social security, and its capacity to build trust between the population and governments at a broader level. This specialized course enables you to join a virtual global network of social security practitioners flexibly and without the need to travel.

Date: 27 November – 1 December 2022 (Period of the interactive e-learning sessions)

Language: Arabic

Training institution: The Muhanna Foundation

Training venue: E-learning Training Platform

Training course topic: ISSA Guidelines on Service Quality


This course on the ISSA Guidelines on Service Quality aims to assist social security institutions to improve service performance in their day-to-day actions and business processes. Participants will be provided with a sound framework that brings together the main considerations on service quality in social security administration. Service quality is evidence of the efficiency and effectiveness of social security delivery, leading to a greater trust and confidence in the social security system and better outcomes.

Who can participate?

The training course is designed for Arabic-speaking social security professionals from ISSA member institutions.

Course learning materials will be offered online in Arabic. The ability to use and access a computer with Internet is essential to participate in this course.

How to apply

Applicants should submit their registration two weeks before the beginning of the course.

Please contact the training institution to apply for this training course:

May Mounzer
The Muhanna Foundation
Qantari Area, Michel Chiha Street, Tarraf Building, 2nd Floor, Beirut, Lebanon

E: [email protected]

Tel: +961 3 085840 or 1 752999


Cost of participation

The participation fees at the diploma programmes is 750 US dollars per participant (note that group discounts are available). The fee includes: a learning programme of estimated 50 hours consisting of self-guided training, 15 hours of e-training sessions divided over five days, digital material, interactive and dynamic sessions, presentations in a video format, group work, projects, Q&A sessions, final assignment, diploma from the ISSA and The Muhanna Foundation.